For the Love of Raspberries...
I absolutely love raspberries and not just because they taste so yummy, there’s more to it!
Allow me to fill you in! Today is a hot and steamy June morning. I just finished up an early walk and decided to go check my raspberry bush. Look what I found! Perfectly beautiful, ready to eat raspberries. I looked at them with such delight, and remembered why I felt so much love for these little berries.
The backstory is this. My summers as a child were spent at in our summer house at a small lake called Sunset Lake in Sparta, New Jersey. A favorite thing I remember is going out almost every day to pick raspberries from a large thicket of raspberry bushes. Mom would ask me to go pick the raspberries and I always complied. I ate more than I put in the bowl but the supply was abundant, so I never felt too bad about sneaking in my generous portions! Seemed like pretty fair payment for the job to me!
Fast forward decades later, my husband shows up at the house with a gift for me. It was literally a brown stick. He seemed pretty pleased with himself, telling me it was a a raspberry bush. Well I’m here to tell you it didn’t look anything like a raspberry bush. At least not yet. He went on to say, “I know how much you loved raspberries when you were growing up and I thought we could see if we can grow a little raspberry bush here.” I’m pretty sure he got it from the “save the plants” section of the garden store but that was OK with me. We planted it.
And for the first couple years we really didn’t see too much action. But now, we see expansion of this once tiny little brown seemingly dead stick that has evolved into a very lovely raspberry bush which keeps growing every year bearing beautiful luscious red raspberries.
This morning, as I pulled these beautiful raspberries off the vine I stood feeling such powerful appreciation. Appreciation for my amazing thoughtful husband and appreciation for believing in the power of this little brown stick and its possibility for transformation!
What a great visual reminder for us humans. We are divine spiritual beings living in human bodies with potential beyond what we can even imagine. So often we are just looking at what is, and not remembering who we really are. We are pure positive energy. We are perfection. We have unlimited possibility to do, be and have anything that we want- when we remember to stop looking at what is and to begin creating from our imagination, from the visions of all that expands us and light us up.
Sometimes we look at ourselves and think we are just this seemingly, lackluster brown stick perhaps not even worthy of planting. How crazy is that. We need to stop looking at what is and always be tuning in, tapping in to our Highest Selves- our True Self- and understand that we have infinite potential beyond our wildest dreams. We are not our circumstances. We are not our body. We are not limited in any way shape or form. We are pure positive energy capable of reaching proportions we have yet to imagine.
Stop looking at the packaging, stop looking at the outside because your power and your possibilities all lie within, mostly unseen to the naked eye but completely visible to your truest, highest, soul self. So go ahead, look at that skinny, brown, lackluster stick and try to tell me that there’s no magic inside of it. We can discuss it over a bowl of raspberries and cream. The truth is the truth. You are magnificent. And your potential is unlimited.