It's OK to Not Be Happy All the fact, it's not even the goal!

I’m going to tell you something because I know someone needs to hear this. Some days it’s me. Today, maybe it’s for you.

It’s okay to not feel okay sometimes. It’s perfectly normal and perfectly human. You are navigating your very own life experience. It’s a big deal and it matters greatly. Not one of us, is going through it the way you are. That can sometimes feel painful, lonely and scary. Here is a reminder: You’ve got this. It’s time to trust your Perfect for You Journey. Everything is always working out for you in each moment. (this takes practice to understand, receive and master, but it’s here for you if/when you’re ready)

It’s a doozy, being pure positive energy, a spiritual being in a human body, with so many super powers you don’t even know you possess! It’s not for the faint of heart, this human experience. But it is FOR you. It’s happening FOR you, not TO you. And it’s no accident. You won the cosmic lottery. Google says we have a 1 in 400 Trillion chance of being born. So, we are all winners. Even in those days, weeks, months or years that it feels like you’re on a perpetual roller coaster with no end in sight, I promise you, you are here- we are here- IN purpose and ON purpose.

Some good news(I think!) is that being happy all the time is not the goal and never was. We came here, to this school room on earth, to learn, to grow, to shift, to expand and to always be transforming into the latest and greatest versions of ourselves. We are living a journey of perpetual self discovery and growth- like a snake shedding it’s skin!(lol, sorry if you don’t vibe with this snake thing!) Seeking and finding joy, peace and love are certainly the worthy endeavors, and worthy of the sometimes bumpy ride we get to take along the way!

We learn through our personal experiences of contrast. The ups and downs, the dark and light, the pain and pleasure. We even came equipped with our very own GPS designed to help us navigate this contrast. It’s actually an EGS - Emotional Guidance System. Talk about a built in super power! The key to learning to maximize our effectiveness in utilizing this cosmic tool of ours, is to become ‘emotionally fluent’.

The nutshell version of this is to learn to name and claim ALL of our emotions. To become so good at allowing whatever we are feeling - to be present in our bodies - with love and compassion. the opposite of suppressing our emotions. It’s from this place that we can learn to release the trapped, blocked emotions that are holding us back.

There are no ‘bad’ emotions. Every emotion is a valid one. They are literally clues, here to help us live our best lives. However, living in a society where vulnerability is often eschewed and suppressing a myriad of very real, healthy, human emotions, is the norm, it’s up to us to take back our emotional fitness and train ourselves up to becoming the masters of our own emotional guidance system.

As we become more skilled in our emotional fluency, we become empowered in our self discovery as our perspectives shift, our confidence increases and our compassion for ourself and for others dramatically increases! When we no longer fear our deep dark emotions and can call them up with so much love, kindness and compassion, transmuting and releasing them into the light, we get to start remembering the truth of Who We Really Are and Who We Came Here To Be: Divine, Magnificent Worthy Souls! Here to Shine our Lights in only the ways we can.

Hey, mastering our Emotional Fluency is a process and doesn’t mean we’ve gotten off the roller coaster completely. It just means we’ve become skilled at riding and navigating the climbs, the dips & twists, with our eyes open and hands in the air instead of gripping for dear life with our eyes closed- and that, more often than not, we are now driving this coaster we call life from the front seat…with our heightened awareness around our Emotional Fluency becoming second nature!

If you are looking for support around this, message me and let’s set up a call to find out if I can serve you along your journey of discovery and expansions!